Everything Is Energy

Nikola Tesla said: ‘If you want to uncover the universe’s secrets, think about energy, frequency and vibration.’ This is supported by science. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, vibration and frequency, from the Earth’s solid mass to every person and object. Energy is the power that drives all things and is constantly in motion. By understanding how energy, vibration and frequency work together, we can begin to understand the laws of the universe and to use it for our advantage.

Each of us has a unique frequency that is constantly vibrating and affecting the world around us. It is up to us to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings and to choose to focus on what’s important to us and what brings us peace and joy. 

Every moment is an opportunity to make a positive energetic choice that can shape our future. With practise and dedication, we can learn to consciously harness our energy to empower ourselves and create a life that resonates with our hearts desire.

Your creative ability originates in the unseen mind. It begins in the unseen world of waves and energy -Dr Wayne Dyer..

You Are A Vibrational Being

We, as human beings, are composed of around 100 trillion cells, and each one of those cells is made up of roughly 100 trillion atoms; each atom is mostly empty space, but this space is not actually empty. Everything is energy, vibration and frequency. 

Understanding you are a vibrational being means that you recognise that your individual energy and frequency can affect the energy and frequency of others, as well as the energy and frequency of the environment around you. It means that you understand that by raising your vibration, you can create positive change in your life and the lives of those around you. This means that you are aware that the thoughts and feelings you carry can shape your reality and you can use this knowledge to your advantage.

When you understand that you are more than just a physical body and that you are a vibrational being living in a vibrational Universe, you can become inspired and motivated to change the way you think and feel.

Reclaim your power and raise your vibrational frequency

Reclaim your power by understanding the power of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and intuitions and using them to make meaningful changes. It’s about shifting into your true identity and honouring your ideals, having faith in your capabilities. It’s about using your abilities to shape a life that glows from within.

Rather than surrendering to a victim mentality, become more mindful of taking ownership of the thoughts and ideas you entertain and the decisions you make from now on. Is it easy? No, or everybody would be doing it. Buckle up! it can be a bumpy ride! Is it worth it? Absolutely!

Raise your vibrational frequency with self-love and appreciation

Taking time to love and trust yourself is essential in order to have the capacity to extend love and joy to others. When we drift away from our true selves, it can leave us feeling isolated, overwhelmed and disconnected, leaving us with a low vibration. However, you can make empowering changes in your life, regardless of the stress you are under. All it takes is a commitment to begin, and that moment can be now.

Your perception of limitation can prevent you from feeling the love, peace and joy that is available to you. Limiting beliefs about yourself disconnect you from your truth, leaving you feeling stuck, confused and unfulfiled. This state can lead you to looking for happiness and love in external things, which can create energy that blocks the flow of love and abundance in your life. You can free yourself from this energy by being aware of  the divine presence within and allowing yourself to access the infinite love and abundance that is available to you. 

If you refuse to accept and appreciate yourself, the power can become blocked up within you, stagnating inside while everything around you dries up. Despite the source of love and abundance available, you cannot bring this energy into yourself or your life. Engage in genuine self-love and appreciation for who and what you are, you will unleash the powerful force of love in your life.

The way to make an energetic shift in your life is to break down the obstacles of frustration, irritation, hate, worry, shame and fear. When you create a healthy relationship with yourself, the quality of your life improves and you positively affect the lives of those around you. You raise your vibrational frequency and unlock the power of love in your life.

I hope you are inspired to empower yourself and open your mind to the potential and possibilities that are available for you. Take yourself on a journey of self-discovery and learn to love yourself. Take a look at the Falling In Love With Myself Journal Below.

This 22-Page journal is designed to help you reconnect with yourself, rediscover your passions, and learn to love yourself. Includes 25 Self-worth & self-love statement cards.

You will be guided on a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-love through daily prompts and exercises. It provides a daily journaling routine, a guide on overcoming negative self-talk, 25 powerful affirmations, and 30 additional deep journal prompts to fall in love with yourself again.

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