5 Steps To Help Release Emotions Of Hopelessness And Depression

Your emotions are powerful messengers, they want your attention, and they are trying to tell you something. When you reject your emotions you reject a part of yourself.  If you are feeling trapped in negative self talk and heavy emotions you will find it difficult to see a way out. This may be an opportunity to connect to a deeper understanding of yourself, experience profound healing and transformation. Its time to stop pushing away your emotions.

Science proves that everything is energy. Our world is energy, our thoughts, feelings and that our body consists of energy systems. Energy is flowing to and through us, but unresolved emotions tend to disrupt this flow, leading to unhealthy patterns and illness. Releasing emotional blocks is essential to living your truth, for personal and spiritual growth. When we acknowledge, feel, accept and release our emotions we become self empowered, experiencing a sense of freedom and a more meaningful life.

5 Steps To Releasing Heavy Emotions: Do not underestimate the power of this exercise.

  1. Acknowledge and accept any uncomfortable emotion of how you are feeling. I am not saying to wallow in it, sit with yourself like you would sit with a friend who is opening up to you. Let your emotions be without negative judgement or trying to change them. Make the choice to release as apposed to make sense of them. It can also be helpful to journal.

2. Place your hands on the part of your body where you feel the emotion most intensely and breath into the area for a few moments, allowing any emotion to rise to the surface with little resistance. You are recognising that it exists and it is ok to feel it.

3. Imagine releasing all unwanted emotions down into the earth and repeat the words;  Divine healing intelligence sweep away low energy thoughts, feelings, words, all disappointments, dullness and helplessness from my system. Help me to release what depresses me. Awaken courage, compassion and belief in myself and restore my enthusiasm and trust for life. Thank you.

4. Repeat the words; I can let this go, several times until you feel lighter and then breath in the words I am worthy of love, peace and happiness and repeat as many times as you like.

5. Observe a bright orange ray of light moving through your body, mind, emotions, and energy field and begin to clear and dissolve any negative thoughts, feelings, words, memories, and images of depression, hopelessness and disappointment that may be left behind.

You may need to try this exercise a couple of times or even more to feel lasting benefits. Practice self-care. Give yourself permission to reach out for support and do things that make you feel good.

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