How To Unlock Your Potential

How To Unlock Your Potential

Do you feel there is more to who you really are and do you feel in your gut that you are destined to be and do something more with your life? Is it time to unlock your potential and reinvent yourself? Unlocking your potential and reinventing yourself is a powerful way...
Trust Your Intuition

Trust Your Intuition

Learn to distinguish your intuition from your fears or doubts and tap into your full potential. What is Intuition: Intuition is often described as a gut feeling, instinct or inner sense that guides you in decision-making or problem-solving, even in the absence of...
The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey is a concept created by Joseph Campbell, an American writer. His work covers many aspects of the human experience. The Hero’s Journey describes the archetypal path of transformation, a way to tell a story about a hero who overcomes...
Scale Of Consciousness

Scale Of Consciousness

The scale of consciousness David Hawkins created the scale of consciousness, a framework for understanding human emotions and behaviours based on their levels of energy and frequency. Each level on the scale represents a different state of consciousness, which is...
Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

What is positive thinking? Thinking positively can have a powerful effect on our lives and the way we experience the world, it can be an incredibly powerful tool, but it’s important to remember that it isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Our minds are...
Explore Your Passion & Purpose

Explore Your Passion & Purpose

Explore Your Passion “Passion is energy, feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you” – Oprah Winfrey Passion is something you create within you by doing what brings you joy and happiness. What you are most passionate about can point you towards your...
Vibrational Empowerment

Vibrational Empowerment

Everything Is Energy Nikola Tesla said: ‘If you want to uncover the universe’s secrets, think about energy, frequency and vibration.’ This is supported by science. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, vibration and frequency, from the Earth’s solid...
5 Steps To Release Heavy Emotions

5 Steps To Release Heavy Emotions

5 Steps To Help Release Emotions Of Hopelessness And Depression Your emotions are powerful messengers, they want your attention, and they are trying to tell you something. When you reject your emotions you reject a part of yourself.  If you are feeling trapped in...