The Activated Woman 3-hour Package 1:1


This is an invitation to shift from feeling stuck, unhappy, confused and fearful to living your heart’s desires with energy, love, passion and purpose. This life-changing 3-hour immersion is only for you if you’re ready to OWN YOUR POWER, HEAL YOUR SPIRIT, and change THE COURSE OF YOUR LIFE.

Heal what no longer serves you, reclaim your power, and open your heart to a divine, nourishing love that will heal your entire being and your relationships. The Activated Woman 3-hour intensive private session is held at my consulting room in Beaconsfield, Bucks.

  • Do you feel trapped in a cycle of feeling dissatisfied with the circumstances in your life?
  • Do you self-doubt yourself? Even though you know you’re skilled and creative, you sense you have gifts that aren’t yet fully activated to impact others in the ways you want to.
  • Do you yearn for a more loving relationship or wish to be in one, but you feel reluctant to be vulnerable about your deeper feelings, needs, and desires?
  • Have you lost your confidence, feeling not good enough, Unfairly comparing yourself to others, and overthinking what others think?
  • While you’re a caring, loving person who gives so much to others, are you neglecting to care for yourself in ways that impact your health and leave you feeling depleted?
  • Do you often feel an emptiness in your soul—a sense that you might leave this world without knowing the love, joy, and fulfilment you’d hoped to experience?

 Imagine this…

  • Feel deep ease and peace within your mind, body, and spirit as you release old anxieties and fears of not enoughness that you’ve carried for years.
  • You have a clear roadmap of what you’re meant to be doing.
  • You have your zest for life back! You’ve healed resentments and fear blocks holding you back and made space to shift into a new life that lights you up!
  • You are the boss again, and it feels incredible. Your inner light is beaming, you have your sparkle back, and the world looks brighter. You are inspired by the life that you are creating.
  • No longer feel like you’re stuck in the never-ending cycle of stress, and reclaim your power to create a life and lifestyle to do the things you genuinely love.
  • Say ‘goodbye’ to confusion and doubt! Calm the monkey mind chatter, which loves to live off stress and return home to the deep peace and stillness in your heart space⁠.
  • Open your heart to a divine, nourishing love that will heal your being and your relationships to feel more than deserving and safe to give and receive love and abundance.