Emotion Clear Energy Transformation

Reclaim Inner Peace. Feel Lighter and Brighter.

If you’re feeling weighed down by stress and anxiety, I am here to support you. Book your Energy Transformation session today and release overwhelm and anxiety.

Schedule today to release emotional burdens and enhance your well-being.

Are you…

Overwhelmed by daily stress and anxiety?

Feeling emotional unbalanced and holding physical tension?

Feeling disconnected from your own energy and well-being?

Seeking a natural, holistic approach to well-being? Then join me now and experience the empowering effects of holistic therapies and energy healing. Find your balance and a renewed sense of well-being.


I had been diagnosed with Anxiety and depressive disorder. I was crying and panicking in most situations which were not within my comfort zone. I spent a lot of time in my bedroom and choosing not to go out.

Following the first session, I was calmer and with the tools Melissa gave me to cope, I am using them with good results. My breakthroughs are that I now understand that all the hurt and painful situations I have encountered throughout my life have contributed to my present state. Melissa has helped me to gently address and remove these blockages.

Melissa is amazing to work with, she was able to get right to what I need to recover and move on. My favourite part of this course has been the freedom to speak my truth and the holistic treatments. 

I can’t recommend Melissa High enough. Her professional and empathic approach towards her clients is second to none. Melissa’s professionalism, knowledge and experience are amazing. Her empathy and kindness made me feel more relaxed and safe to talk about myself. The treatment I received was exactly what I needed at this difficult time. The information and tools given to me to help me to cope on a daily basis are invaluable. Thank you Melissa for simply being you and catching me. I am so grateful for all you have done for me.

Carrie Gardinian

I can’t thank Melissa enough for her guidance, love and support. Her light shines so brightly she is amazing. Working with her helped me to feel so happy, empowered and uplifted.

I felt very lost and didn’t know how to help myself. My body was exhausted, my mind was trapped in a loop of negative thoughts, I was frightened. Melissa is amazing she helped me to feel so happy, empowered and uplifted. I am eating healthier, sleeping better, resting more and I have a positive attitude towards myself and my future.

Maddy Dexter

Melissa is intuitive and skilled in a broad spectrum of holistic health and therapeutic healing techniques she has helped me to heal and strengthen my mind, body and spirit. She helps me to reboot my energy and my mindset that maintains good psychological and physical health.

Melissa has a warm positive energy she is non-judgmental, trustworthy and discreet. Working with her has helped me to restore, heal and strengthen my mind, body and spirit. Her therapy will improve your emotional resilliance and reduce the impact of physical ailments so that life is more enjoyable and generally free from pain and anxiety.  I have introduced some of my friends to Melissa that are cynical about holistic healing techniques. All emerge with no doubt about the tangible benefit of this approach to their immediate and long term well-being. Melissa is a true natural healer sent here to help the world be a sunnier place.

Ellie Wicks

How It Works: A combination of Transformative Therapies

Energy Kinesiology  helps to get to the root cause and does not just deal with the symptoms of the problem. Kinesiology combines the principles from traditional Chinese medicine, the Chakra system, trigger points and other healing modalities to balance the energy systems of the body at very deep levels.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques): EFT involves tapping on specific acupressure points while addressing emotional issues. This powerful technique helps to release and reframe negative emotions and beliefs, promoting emotional balance and well-being.

Emotional Release Points: Identifying and releasing emotional blocks at specific points in the body to facilitate emotional healing and transformation.

Reiki Healing:  Helps realign your energy centres, facilitating the release of blocked emotions and promoting deep relaxation, physical and emotional healing.

Limiting Belief Clearing: Reframing negative thought patterns and beliefs, empowering you to view life from a fresh, positive perspective.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Meditation sessions can be woven into your experience, providing a calming and grounding practice to help you connect with your inner self, find serenity, and integrate your emotional healing.

Strengthen Your Mind, Body & Spirit


Heal from Within: Experience a profound release of emotional burdens, allowing you to move forward with a lighter heart and a clearer mind.

Experience Deep Relaxation: Gain tools and insights to take control of your emotions and create peace and harmony.

Break Free from Stress:: Achieve a greater sense of balance and well-being in your life, both emotionally and energetically.

Overcome Overwhelm: Gain control over stress and anxiety through holistic techniques.

Nurture Your Soul: Reconnect with your authentic self and align your mind, body, and spirit.

Emotion Clear Energy Transformation service is personalised to your unique needs, offering a holistic approach to emotional healing and transformation. Rediscover your inner strength, resilience, peace of mind and book your appointment today.

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